Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI

Articles Published in Other Journals

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

On-chip platform for derivation of ocular cells from hiPSCs

Meeting of the European-Chapter of the Tissue-Engineering-and-Regenerative-Medicine-International-Society (TERMIS), Manchester, England, 28 - 31 March 2023 Sustainable Development identifier

Detection of brain metastasis by metabolomics methods in metastatic breast cancer patients.

2019 ASCO Annual Meeting, United States Of America, 30 May - 03 June 2019, vol.37, pp.12572 Sustainable Development

Metabolic Infrastructure of Pregnant Women with Down Syndrome

Seventh Congress of the South East European Society of Perinatal Medicine, 10 May 2018 - 12 January 2019 Sustainable Development

Obez Çocukların Metabolik Profillerin Değerlendirilmesi

UPEK-Ulusal Pediatrik Endokrinoloji ve Diyabet Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 18 - 22 April 2018

Santral ve Puberte Prekokslu Çocuklarda Metabolomiks Çalışmaları

22. Ulusal Pediatrik Endokrinoloji ve Diyabet Kongresi, Turkey, 18 - 22 April 2018

A GC-MS Based Metabolomic Profiling of the Mouse Lung in Airway Inflammation

Intenational Multidisiplinary Symposium on Drug Research and Development (DRD), 5 - 07 October 2017

Normalization Effects on the Repeatability of Long Term GC-MS Metabolomic Analysis

Intenational Multidisiplinary Symposium on Drug Research and Development (DRD), 5 - 07 October 2017

LC ESI MS MS Method for the Determination of Histidine Proline and Diethylaminomalonate

International Multidisciplinary Symposium on Drug Research and Development- 2015, Turkey, 15 - 17 October 2015

GC MS Based Metabolomics Approaches for the Prenatal Screening Diagnosis of Down Syndrome

International Multidisciplinary Symposium on Drug Research and Development- 2015, Turkey, 15 - 17 October 2015

GC MS Based Metabolomic Profiling of Human Bone Marrow

11th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9 - 12 June 2015

6 Effect of pregnancy on the pharmacokinetic profiles of cefepime using a fully validated ultrafast liquid chromatographic method

International Symposium on Drug Research & Development ”From Chemistry to Medicine” & New Horizons and Job Opportunities for Young Scientists”, 27 - 29 May 2011

Books & Book Chapters

Chapter 20 - Analytical perspective on biomarkers research: from untargeted to targeted metabolomics

in: The Detection of Biomarkers, Sibel A. Ozkan, Nurgul K. Bakirhan, Fariba Mollarasouli, Editor, Elsevier, pp.545-586, 2022

HMGB1-targeting herbal medicinal plant extracts for the phytotherapy of cancer and potential management of COVID-19

in: HMGB1: Functions, Inhibitors, and Clinical Significance, TAŞKIN EYLEM, GÜVEN CELAL, KAYA SALİH TUNÇ, Editor, Nova Science Publishers, pp.3-42, 2022

An Overview of Food Metabolomics: CE-MS Based Targeted and Non-targeted Analysis

in: Current and Future Developments in Food Science, Castro-Puyana María, Herrero Miguel, Marina María Luisa, Editor, Bentham Science Publishers Pte. Ltd., pp.487-519, 2022




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