
Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI

Cellular models in autoinflammatory disease research

Clinical and Translational Immunology, vol.13, no.1, 2024 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier

Human Ace D/I Polymorphism Could Affect the Clinicobiological Course of COVID-19.

Journal of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system : JRAAS, vol.2021, pp.5509280, 2021 (SCI-Expanded) Sustainable Development identifier identifier identifier

Potential of miRNAs to predict and treat inflammation from the perspective of Familial Mediterranean Fever.

Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.], vol.68, pp.905-913, 2019 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier

Genome-Wide Screen for MicroRNAs Reveals a Role for miR-203 in Melanoma Metastasis

JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY, vol.138, no.4, pp.882-892, 2018 (SCI-Expanded)

Pyrin and ASC co-localize to cellular sites that are rich in polymerizing actin.

Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.), vol.234, no.1, pp.40-52, 2009 (SCI-Expanded) Sustainable Development identifier identifier identifier

Articles Published in Other Journals

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings


Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR), Madrid, Spain, 12 - 15 June 2019, vol.78, pp.1963 identifier

Children with Congenital Heart Diseases: Any Correlation between Mitochondrial Functions of Myocardium, Cardiac Markers, and Histopathological Changes?

Annual Clinical Congress of the American-College-of-Surgeons / 5th Annual Sessions of the Owen-H-Wangensteen-Scientific-Forum, San-Francisco, Costa Rica, 27 - 31 October 2019, vol.229 identifier

Characterization of Circulating Exosomes and Analysis of Exosomal microRNAs

6th International Congress of the Molecular Biology of Association of Turkey, 5 - 08 September 2018

Investigation of inflammasome components in the process of cell migration in FMF patients

10th International Congress of Familial Mediterranean Fever and Systemic Auto-Inflammatory Diseases, Genoa, Italy, 31 March 2019, pp.20-21

Cell Migration Defect In Hyperimmunoglobulin D Syndrome

Autoinflammation 2019, 10.Uluslararası FMF ve SAID Kongresi, Cenova, İtalya, 31 March - 03 April 2019


3rd Quadrennial Meeting of the World-Federation-of-Neuro-Oncoloyg/6th Meeting of the Asian-Society-for-Neuro-Oncology, Yokohama, Japan, 11 - 14 May 2009, vol.11, pp.957 identifier

Analysis of genetic background in Turkish early onset Parkinson’s disease patients

6th International Congress of the Molecular Biology Association of Turkey, İzmir, Turkey, 05 September 2018, pp.46

Books & Book Chapters

Kompleks hastalık: Yatkınlık faktörlerinin belirlenmesi ve patogenezin anlaşılması

in: İnsan Moleküler Genetiği (Human Molecular Genetics - Strachan and Read), Pervin Dinçer, Editor, Hipokrat Yayınevi, Ankara, pp.573-596, 2020

Sağlık hizmetlerinde ve hukukta genetik testin yeri

in: İnsan Moleküler Genetiği (Human Molecular Genetics - Strachan and Read), Pervin Dinçer, Editor, Hipokrat Yayınevi, Ankara, pp.631-665, 2020