Akademik Unvanlar
2011 - Devam Ediyor Prof. Dr.
Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi (İngilizce), Dahili Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü
Yönetimsel Görevler
2014 - Devam Ediyor Anabilim/Bilim Dalı Başkanı
Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi (İngilizce), Dahili Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü
2014 - 2017 Başhekim
Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Beytepe Tıp Fakültesi
Akademi Dışı Deneyim
1995 - Devam Ediyor Öğretim üyesi
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor
1993 - Devam Ediyor Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Uzmanı
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Sağlık ve Rehberlik Merkezi
2018 - 2022 Başkan Danışmanı
Yönetilen Tezler
Gelişimsel kalça displazili kemiğin sonlu elemanlar analizi ve normal kemikle karşılaştırılması
B.TANRIVERDİ(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2017 -
Elektrospin tekniği ile nHAp/jelatin/antikanserojen içeren nanofibril üretimi, karakterizasyonu ve hücre uyumunun araştırılması
E.EMÜL(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2016 -
Analysis of the effects of vancomycin containing bioceramic/polymer composites on biofilm prevention, biocompatibility and osteogenic modification of mesenchymal stem cells
B.KANKILIÇ(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2015 -
Bor içeren nano hidroksiapatit seramiklerin insan kaynaklı mezenkimal kök hücreler ile etkileşimi ve osteoporozlu tavşan uzun kemiklerine etkileri
E.ÇİFTCİ(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2015 -
Investigation of the use of the arms in recovering from postural perturbations
E.AK(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2014 -
Effects of muscle fatigue on shooting accuracy in handball players
B.ŞİMŞEK(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2012 -
Effects of swiss ball training on knee joint reposition sense, core strength and dynamic balance in sedentary collegiate students
M.CUĞ(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2012 -
3D kinematic analysis of three different punches in amateur boxing
S.DÜZ(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2011 -
The effect of strontium-containing silicon-doped hydroxyapatite ceramics on bone defect healing
G.KERMAN(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2011 -
The effect of different impact exercise training on deformational behavior and functional adaptation of articular cartilage
Ö.ÇELİK(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2010 -
Four weeks of respiratory muscle training improves intermittent recovery performance but not pulmonary functions and maximum oxygen consumption (vo2 max) capacity in young soccer players
C.ÖZGİDER(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2010 -
Acute effects of local vibration on muscle performance at different durations and frequencies
A.YILDIRIM(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2010 -
Qualitative and philosophical enquiry of aikido participants from different levels, conceptualization of aikido as different from other sports: mind and body perspectives
B.ŞENTUNA(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2010 -
Role of TNF-alpha in skeletal muscle atrophy in ovariectomized rats: An experimental functional, histological and molecular biology study
S.DAĞDEVİREN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2010 -
Vancomycin containing Plla delivery system for bone tissue biocompatibility and treatment of implant related chronic osteomyelitis
B.UYSAL(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2009 -
The effects of rhythm training on tennis performance
M.SÖĞÜT(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2009 -
Vibration transmission to bicycle and rider: A field and a laboratory study
P.ARPINAR(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2009 -
Human tibial bone strength prediction by vibration analysis for diagnosing progressing osteoporosis
B.BEDİZ(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2009 -
Fatigue does not affect the kinematics of free throw shooting in basketball
M.UYGUR(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2009 -
Pilates exercise positively affects balance, reaction time, muscle strength, number of falls and psychological parameters in 65+ years old women
G.BABAYİĞİT(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2009 -
Exercise induced endocannabinoid and immune system alterations
R.HÜRREM(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2009 -
Effects of eccentric hamstring training on lower extremity strength & landing kinetics in female recreational athletes
Y.SALCI(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2008 -
The analysis of auditory evoked brain potentials in recurve archery
H.ERTAN(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2007 -
Effects of scuba diving on middle ear pressure
D.ÖZYURT(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2006 -
Shoulder proprioception in male tennis players between ages 14-16
A.BOYAR(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2006 -
Determine the effects of long term playing soccer on the degeneration of lumbar spine
Ö.SERDAL(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2006 -
Effects of a 5-week nordic Hamstring strength training on 10-12 years old male basketball players
R.BARAN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2006 -
Vibration analysis in the diagnosis of bone mineral density in healthy and osteopenic radius bone and its correlation to muscle strength
R.HÜRREM(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2004 -
Effects of neuropeptide Y(NPY) on bone metabolism as a neuromediator
M.ÖZGÜR(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2004 -
Effects different joint positions, rotator cuff muscle fatigue and experience on shoulder proprioceptive sense among male vollyball players
N.KABLAN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2004 -
Accuracy in body composition assessment with three different hethods compared to dexa
S.DÜZ(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2003 -
Biodegradable bone plates and bone marrow extract loaded microcapsules in bone repair
S.COŞKUN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2002 -
Comparison of landing maneuvers between male and female volleyball players
Y.SALCI(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2002 -
Bone tissue generation on biodegradable polymeric scaffold
G.TORUN(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2002 -
Reliability and validity of Modified Conconi Test on rowing ergometers
Ö.ÇELİK(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2002 -
Formulation and biomechanical evaluation of bone cements
K.ŞERBETÇİ(Öğrenci), Doktora, 2001 -
Reliability and validity testing of archery chronometer and analysis of forearm muscles in the drawing hand by use of EMG in Turkish archers
H.ERTAN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2001 -
A Comparison of bone mineral density of female basketball players and sedentary females
A.SİNEM(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2000 -
Blood lactate removal in active, intermittent stretching, intermittent massage and 30 minutes massage periods following supramaximal exerxise sessions in physical education and sports students
H.DÜLGER(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2000 -
Comparision of the oarsmen kneejoint isokinetic parameters at the velocities of 60, 180 and 240 deg/sec between the dominant sides, flexion and extension directions and pre and post competitive seasons
E.AĞAŞÇIOĞLU(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2000 -
Changes in mood states and brain biochemicals after aerobic exercise: Prelinmary on funçtional magnetic resonance spectroscophy
E.FEVZİ(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2000 -
Effects of resistance training on female sex hormones
F.NEŞE(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 2000 -
Comparison of bone mineral density of ex-elite volleyball players and sedentary women at the age of 40 and over
N.KÜÇÜKKUBAŞ(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1999 -
Effects of sports school activities on physical, physiological and motor parameters of male children between the ages 7 and 14
C.AKALAN(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1998 -
Determination of the selected physical and physiological characteristics of the Turkish female soccer players
A.TİMUR(Öğrenci), Yüksek Lisans, 1998