Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

İnsansız Hava Araçları İle En Büyük Kapsamalı Tesis Yer Seçimi Problemi

42’nci Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Ulusal Kongresi (YAEM 2023), Gaziantep, Türkiye, 1 - 04 Kasım 2023

A Mathematical Model for the Assembly Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Overtime: A Case Study in Construction Machinery Industry

13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Filipinler, 07 Mart 2023

Communication-aware Drone Delivery Problem

The Operational Research Society's 64th Annual Conference (OR64), Warwick, İngiltere, 13 - 15 Eylül 2022

Home health care and dialysis routing and scheduling with electric vehicles and public charging stations

19th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, LMSCM2021, Gaziantep, Türkiye, 21 - 22 Ekim 2021

The Home Health Care Routing with Heterogeneous Fleet of Electric Vehicles

31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2021), Yunanistan, 11 Temmuz 2021

The Home Health Care Routing with Electric Vehicles and Fast Chargers

31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2021), Yunanistan, 11 - 14 Temmuz 2021

The Multi-Period Electric Home Health Care Routing Problem

31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2021), Yunanistan, 11 Temmuz 2021

Çok Periyotlu Evde Sağlık Bakımı Elektrikli Araç ve Çizelgeleme Problemi

40'ncı Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Ulusal Kongresi (YAEM 2021), İstanbul, Türkiye, 05 Temmuz 2021

The Airport Shuttle Service Scheduling Problem

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2019, Seattle, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 24 - 27 Ekim 2019

Paylaşımlı Şarj İstasyonlu Elektrikli Araç Rotalama Problemi

39'ncu Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Ulusal Kongresi (YAEM 2019), Türkiye, 12 Haziran 2019

Elektrikli Araçlar ile İşgücü Çizelgeleme ve Rotalama Problemi Optimizasyonu

39’ncu Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Ulusal Kongresi (YAEM 2019), Ankara, Türkiye, 12 - 14 Haziran 2019

Optimizing Workforce Scheduling and Routing Problem with Electric Vehicles

7th Annual Conference of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization (VeRoLog 2019), Sevilla, İspanya, 2 - 05 Haziran 2019

Evde Sağlık Hizmeti Veren Elektrikli Araçların Rotalanması

YAEM 2019, Ankara, Türkiye, 4 - 06 Haziran 2019, cilt.0

Vehicle Routing Problems with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery: Review and Research Perspectives

International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME18), 27 Haziran - 29 Temmuz 2018

The Maximum Expected Covering Tours Problem

Joint EURO/ALIO International Conference 2018 on Applied Combinatorial Optimization (EURO/ALIO 2018), 25 - 27 Temmuz 2018

Analysis of Vehicle Emissions in Location-Routing Problem

38’nci Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Ulusal Kongresi (YAEM 2018), Türkiye, 26 - 29 Haziran 2018

The Impact of Depot Location, Fleet Composition and Routing on Emissions in City Logistics

5th Annual Conference of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization (VeRoLog 2016), Nantes, Fransa, 6 - 08 Haziran 2016

İleri Tedarik Zinciri Ağı Tasarımı için Test Problem ve Genetik Algoritmaya Dayalı Çözüm Yöntemi Geliştirilmesi

35’nci Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Ulusal Kongresi (YAEM 2015), Ankara, Türkiye, 9 - 11 Eylül 2015

The Fleet Size and Mix Pollution-Routing Problem

4th Annual Conference of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization (VeRoLog 2015), Viyana, Avusturya, 8 - 10 Haziran 2015

A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle-Routing Problems with Time Windows

3rd Annual Conference of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization (VeRoLog 2014), Oslo, Norveç, 22 - 25 Haziran 2014

An Evolutionary Algorithm for the Heterogeneous Fleet Pollution Routing Problem

2nd Annual Conference of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization (VeRoLog 2013), Southampton, İngiltere, 7 - 09 Temmuz 2013

An Exact Algorithm for the Green Vehicle Routing Problem

25th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2012), Vilniaus, Litvanya, 8 - 11 Temmuz 2012

Zaman Bağımlı Araç Rotalama Problemi için bir Matematiksel Model

1’inci Ulusal Lojistik ve Tedarik Zinciri Kongresi (ULTZK 2012), Konya, Türkiye, 10 - 12 Mayıs 2012

Yeşil Araç Rotalama Problemi için bir Matematiksel Model

1’inci Ulusal Lojistik ve Tedarik Zinciri Kongresi (ULTZK 2012), Konya, Türkiye, 10 - 12 Mayıs 2012

A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple use of Vehicles

41st International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE 41), Los-Angeles, Şili, 23 - 26 Ekim 2011

Çok Kullanımlı Araç Rotalama Problemi için Bir Matematiksel Model

31’inci Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Ulusal Kongresi (YAEM 2011), Sakarya, Türkiye, 5 - 07 Temmuz 2011
Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri

Solving a Large-Scale Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem Heuristically

Optimization Essentials: Theory, Tools, and Applications, , Editör, Springer, ss.669-693, 2024

Integrated Collection-Disassembly-Distribution Problem

Sustainable Production and Logistics Modeling and Analysis, Eren Özceylan and Surenda M. Gupta, Editör, CRC Press Taylor and Francis, ss.87-101, 2021

Minimizing Delays on Single-Line Train Scheduling

Sustainable Production and Logistics Modeling and Analysis, Eren Özceylan and Surendra M. Gupta, Editör, CRC Press Taylor and Francis, ss.359-372, 2021

Smart Factories: Integrated Disassembly Line Balancing and Routing Problem with 3D Printers

Logistics 4.0 Digital Transformation of Supply Chain Management, Paksoy, T., Koçhan, Ç., Ali, S.S., Editör, CRC Press, ss.166-177, 2020



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