Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
Ergenlerin Zorbalığı Tanımlamasında Hangi Ölçütler Rol Oynuyor?
UluslararasıIV.ÇocukGelişimiKongresi, Turkey, 22 - 24 October 2018, pp.366-375
Definitions of traditional bullying and cyberbullying based on definitional criteria andtypes of behavior
15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), 16 - 19 September 2016
Cyberbullying versus traditional bullying Examining the severity perception of adolescents
15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), 16 - 19 September 2016
Perceived Parental Control Practices, Teachers’ Class Related Behaviors, and Academic Procrastination: The Mediating Role of Academic Self-Concept
15th Biennial Conference of The European Association for Research on Adolescence, Cadiz, Spain, 16 - 19 September 2016
Ergenlerde zorbalığı tanımlama ve deneyimleme arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi
19. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, Turkey, 5 - 07 September 2016
Relational aggression as mediator of maternal psychological control and adolescents friendship quality a longitudinal study
17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Braga, Portugal, 8 - 12 September 2015
How parenting styles and mother s perceived efficacy are related to sleepover in adolescence
14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, İzmir, Turkey, 3 - 06 September 2014
Definition of violence and domestic violence current situation in turkey effects of domestic violence on children and implications for policy
28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France, 8 - 13 July 2014
An observational study drivers and pedestrians mobile phone use at signalised and unsignalised roads
28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France, 8 - 13 July 2014