The major aim of this study is to find out whether metacognitive strategies can cultivate learner autonomy or not by identifying the relationship between them in EFL reading. The study was conducted with a total of 213 ELT learners at Hacettepe and Gazi universities and a questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument. The relationship between 12 metacognitive reading strategies, "St1: Overview and linking with already known material", "St2: Paying attention", "St3: Directed attention", "St4: Selective attention", "St5: Advance organizing", "St6: Setting goals and objectives", "St7: Identifying the purpose of a language task", "St8: Planning for a language task", "St9: Seeking practice opportunities"," St10: Self-management", "St11: Self-monitoring", and "St12: Self-evaluating", and reading autonomy has been found to be 0,659, which means that there is a strong relationship between them at the level of 99 %. Also, significant relations have been discovered between each of the 12 metacognitive reading strategies separately and reading autonomy at the level of 99%. Moreover, it has been found that there is not any significant difference between students according to their gender and age in relation to metacognitive reading strategies and reading autonomy. However, a significant difference has been ascertained between learners in accordance with their English learning experience in St2 "Paying attention", St12 "Self-evaluating", and reading autonomy.