Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, cilt.15, sa.1, ss.801-822, 2017 (Hakemli Dergi)
The present study focuses on the relations of academic integrity tendencies, general self-efficacy and academic locus of control of preservice teachers. The study was conducted on 279 university students (222 females and 57 males). As data collection tools, ‘Academic Integrity Tendency Scale’ of Eminoğlu (2008), ‘General Self-efficacy Scale’ of Sherer and Adams (1983), and ‘Academic Locus of Control Scale’ developed by Akın (2007) were used. Pearson Product-Moment Correlation coefficients were utilized in determining the relations among academic integrity tendencies, general self-efficacy and academic locus of control of participant preservice teachers. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conveyed to determine to what extent the general self-efficacy and academic locus of control of the students explained the variance of their academic integrity tendencies. Findings show that participants have lower levels of academic integrity tendencies, and moderate levels of general self-efficacy. Furthermore, it was found that university students’ internal academic locus of control scores were relatively higher than their external locus of control scores. The findings also pointed that there was a negative and moderate level relationship between academic integrity tendency and self-efficacy, a positive and moderate level relationship between academic integrity tendency and external academic locus of control, and a negative and low level of relationship between academic integrity tendency and internal academic locus of control of participants. External academic locus of control and general self-efficacy scale’s ‘initiation’ and ‘perseverance’ subscales were found to be statistically significant predictors of participants’ academic integrity tendencies. Finally, all those independent variables were found to explain 18% of the variance in academic integrity tendencies of university students.