SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Missile Proliferation in the Middle East: Turkey and Missile Defense
, cilt.4, sa.3, ss.71-102, 2003 (SSCI)
Turkey and the Emerging European Security Framework
, cilt.3, sa.2, ss.69-103, 2002 (SSCI)
Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
INSEN as Part and Propellant of the Nuclear Security Regime: An Insider’s View
International Journal of Nuclear Security
, cilt.6, sa.2, 2020 (Scopus)
Nuclear Energy and International Relations: Outlook and Challenges for Newcomers
, cilt.22, ss.57-84, 2017 (Hakemli Dergi)
Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy and the International Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime
Energy and Diplomacy Journal
, cilt.1, sa.4, ss.94-115, 2015 (Hakemli Dergi)
Weapons of Mass Destruction Basics and the Issue of Proliferation in the Middle East
Orta Doğu Analiz
, cilt.5, sa.58, ss.44-50, 2013 (Hakemli Dergi)
On Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone WMDFZ in the Middle East
Orta Doğu Analiz
, cilt.5, sa.54, ss.45-53, 2013 (Hakemli Dergi)
Türkiye nin İran Nükleer Meselesindeki Siyaseti
Orta Doğu Analiz
, cilt.4, sa.43, ss.98-107, 2012 (Hakemli Dergi)
Turkey s Nuclear Comeback An Energy Renaissance in an Evolving Regional Security Context
Nonproliferation Review
, cilt.17, sa.2, ss.365-377, 2010 (Scopus)
Enerji Güvenliği ve Bölgesel Güvenlik Sorunları Arasında Türkiye’nin Nükleer Enerji Planları
Demokrasi Platformu
, cilt.4, sa.16, 2008 (Hakemli Dergi)
ABD’nin 11 Eylül Sonrası Stratejisi Üzerine Tespitler
Global Strateji/ Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi
, sa.10, 2007 (Hakemli Dergi)
Turkey s Non Nuclear Weapon State Status A Theoretical Assessment
ISYP Journal on Science and World Affairs
, cilt.3, sa.2, ss.51-59, 2007 (Hakemli Dergi)
The Politics of Caspian Region Energy Resources A Challenge for Turkish Foreign Policy
Perceptions, Journal of International Affairs
, cilt.6, sa.4, ss.36-60, 2001 (Hakemli Dergi)
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar
Physical Protection Regime: Universalization of the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and its 2005 Amendment
International Conference on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities, 13 - 17 Kasım 2017
Deconstructing the Trump Administration’xxs Policy on the Iran Nuclear Deal
6. Uluslararası Çin’xxden Adriyatik’xxe Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 29 - 31 Mart 2018
Sınıraşan Terörizm ve Nükleer Maddeler: Güncel Bir Tehdit Olarak Nükleer Terörizm
International Congress on Political, Economic and Social Studies, Ankara, Türkiye, 9 - 11 Kasım 2017

Education Activities on Nuclear Security Education
Uluslararası KBRN Kongresi, 5 - 06 Aralık 2017
The International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN) and the Nuclear Security Regime
International Conference on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, Viyana, Avusturya, 12 - 17 Kasım 2017
Nuclear Security The Changing Nature of Threat and Response
13th METU Conference on International Relations, 25 - 27 Haziran 2014
Knowledge Management: The Case of Turkey as a Newcomer
International Conference on Human Resource Development for Nuclear Power Programmes: Buılding and Sustaining Capacity, 12 Mayıs 1914 - 16 Mayıs 2014
Global Governance and Domestic Decision-Making of Nuclear Energy: The Case of Turkey’xxs Nuclear Energy Endeavor
2nd International Energy Congress in Southeastern Europe, 7 - 08 Kasım 2013
Turkey’s Non-Nuclear Weapon State Status-A Theoretical Assessment
2006 ISYP Conference, 9-10 November 2006, Kahire, Mısır, 9 - 10 Kasım 2006
Arms Control in Europe and Extended Deterrence: A View from Turkey
Arms Control in Europe, Polina Sinovets, William Alberque, Editör, Springer, ss.99-107, 2022
İran’xxın Nükleer Programı Meselesi Konusunda Türkiye ve Almanya’xxnın Siyasetleri
Türk-Alman Çalışmaları Serisi I, Önsoy, Murat Er, Mutlu, Editör, Nobel, ss.23-42, 2020
Issues in Turkish-American Relations: A Politico-Psychological Analysis through Problematic Cases
Historical Examinations and Current Examinations of Turkish-American Relations, Işıksal, Hüseyin Örmeci, Ozan, Editör, Peter Lang, ss.221-243, 2020
Turkey’s Foreign Policy on Iran’s Nuclear Programme
Turkey’s Foreign Policy Towards the Middle East: Under the Shadow of the Arab Spring, İdris Demir, Editör, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ss.123-151, 2017
Türkiye’nin Enerji Politikaları: Genel Bir Bakış
Türk Dış Politikasını Nasıl Bilirdiniz?, Özdağ Ümit, Demirağ Yelda, Editör, Kripto, ss.307-334, 2017
Nuclear Terrorism and Maritime Security
Global Maritime Security New Horizons, Szyliowicz Joseph, Celebi Ozlen, Editör, Turkish Naval Forces Printing Office, ss.225-244, 2014
EU Foreign Relations: Turkey
European Union A Global Actor, Gareis Sven, Hauser Gunther, Kernic Franz, Editör, Barbara Budrich, ss.219-232, 2013
The Role of Turkish Language and Culture for US National Security
How Globalizing Professions Deal With National Languages Studies in Cultural Studies and Cooperation, Gueldry Michel, Editör, Mellen, ss.287-316, 2010
Turkey's Role in Post-Cold War European Security Policy
European Security in Transition, Hauser Gunther, Kernic Franz, Editör, Ashgate, ss.161-174, 2006