Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

Evaluation of Radioactive Waste Streams and Management Options for Molten Salt Small Modular Reactor

International Conference on Small Modular Reactors and their Applications, Vienna, Avusturya, 21 - 25 Ekim 2024, ss.1-5

Effect of the host rock thermal properties on the disposal area requirements for spent fuel and vitrified high level waste in a geological repository

International Conference on the Management of Spent Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors - Meeting the Moment , 2024, Vienna, Avusturya, 10 - 14 Haziran 2024, ss.1-5

Possible Extraction and Energy Potential of Uranium Reserves at the Temrezli Deposit in Turkey

International Symposium on Uranium Raw Material for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Innovation for Sustaining Future Resources and Production (URAM-2023), Viyana, 08 Mayıs 2023

Determination of enrichment of FeCrAl/U3Si2 fuel to reach the same burnup with the standard UO2/Zr fuel

Istanbul Rumeli University 1st International Scientific Research Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Technology, İstanbul, Türkiye, 13 - 15 Mayıs 2022, ss.83-84

Actinide Transmutation Performance Evaluation of Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor with Thorium Bearing Fuel

2nd International Congress of Engineering and Natural Sciences Studies, Ankara, Türkiye, 7 - 09 Mayıs 2022, ss.58-70

Complete Co-processing of Spent Fuel as a Back-End Fuel Cycle Strategy

International Conference on the Management of Spent Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors: Learning from the Past, Enabling the Future, VİYANA, Avusturya, 24 - 28 Haziran 2019

Role of Nuclear Education Programs in the Enhancement of Nuclear Regulatory System in Turkey

International Conference on Effective Nuclear and Radiation Regulatory Systems: Working Together to Enhance Cooperation, LAHEY, Hollanda, 4 - 07 Kasım 2019

Determination of Disposal Density of VVER-1200 Spent Fuel Loaded Canisters in Horizontal Geological Disposal

BgNS International Conference Nuclear Energy for the People, RUSÇUK, Bulgaristan, 4 - 07 Kasım 2019, ss.37

Estimation of Uranium Requirements for Planned Nuclear Power Plants and Supply Capacity of Uranium Resources in Turkey

International Symposium on Uranium Raw Material for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Exploration, Mining, Production, Supply and Demand, Economics and Environmental Issues (URAM-2018), ViİYANA, Avusturya, 25 - 29 Haziran 2018, ss.81-84

Impact of Storage Period on Safe Geological Disposal of Spent Fuel

International Conference on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management (CN-242), VİYANA, Avusturya, 21 - 25 Kasım 2016
Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri

Environmental Impact Assessment for New Nuclear Power Plants in Mediterranean Countries

Management and Conservation of Mediterranean Environments, Rui Alexandre Castanho, José Martín Gallardo, Editör, IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, PA, ss.94-114, 2021



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