The Usage of the Unwritten Cultural Elements to Teaching Turkish to the Foreign Learners of Turkish

Kalfa M.

MILLI FOLKLOR, no.97, pp.167-177, 2013 (AHCI) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Journal Name: MILLI FOLKLOR
  • Journal Indexes: Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), Scopus, TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM)
  • Page Numbers: pp.167-177
  • Hacettepe University Affiliated: Yes


Language teaching isn't just about gaining fundamental language skills related to target language It is a process of acculturation as stated in European Language Portfolio. Because, as language it is one of the important pieces of culture, it is also a culture transmitter. Therefore, the transfer of cultural elements in foreign language teaching helps those who learn target language enter into that language's world of thoughts and besides, make the learning process enjoyable by simplifying it. For this reason, elements containing Turkish culture must be transferred to class environment and course materials in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Texts are one of the most essential components of this transfer process. Transfer through texts is one of the best transfer forms of literary repertoire. However, since all texts can't be used in teaching Turkish as a foreign language, it is essential to take maximal care while choosing texts to be used in mentioned field. Aforesaid texts should have specific features in terms of language, expression along with cult-ale. Since our period of oral culture is a literature repertoire in which Turkish culture and tradition stand with their original forms, it is necessary to avail ourselves of this powerful tradition in text selection.