The aim of this study is to analyse the effects of the number of raters and the types of rubric on the results obtained by the techniques used to estimate the interrater reliability. The research group consists of 50 students and 10 teachers who rated. As a descriptive study, in this paper the Kappa statistical technique, the log linear analysis technique, and the Krippendorff alpha technique were used to determine the rater reliability. In order to investigate the effects of the number of raters on the interrater reliability, the level of agreement between 2, 5, and 10 raters was calculated by using those three techniques. The findings obtained from the three techniques demonstrated that the use of analytic rubric provided much more reliable ratings than holistic rubric. Moreover, it was also found based on the analysis results obtained through all three techniques that maximum reliability values were obtained by using two raters, reliability values decreased with the increase in the number of raters. On examining the categories constituting analytic rubric, it was found that there was variability in the levels of raters' agreement on the basis of objectivity. It was observed from the results that Kappa statistics and Krippendorff Alpha techniques yielded similar results. Moreover, Krippendorff alpha technique was found to be affected less by the number of raters. Log linear analysis technique, on the other hand, provided more comprehensive and extensive knowledge through showing the source of disagreement and interaction among the variants. As a result, it is thought that analyzing the scores obtained by using the analytic rubric which is composed of sub-categories using log-linear analysis technique would be more appropriate when the purpose is to obtain more detailed measurement results whereas analyzing the scores obtained through holistic rubric by using the Krippendorff technique would be more appropriate when the purpose is to obtain more general results.