Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate relationship between triple performance of ice skaters (figure skaters) during jumpings and their agility and reaction time. Material and methods: The participants were 20 female elite figure skaters at junior (N=10) and senior (N=10) competitive levels, between the ages of 16 and 23, performing on figure skating at least for 5 years and 20 volunteer sedentary female subjects at the same ages as control group. Sosciodemografic and physical properties (age, height, weight) of all subjects and jumpings and successful turnings during jumpings of these athletes were recorded. Then agility test (squat thrust) and reaction time test were applied. Results: Agility and reaction time values of skaters showed significantly better results than the control group (p<0.05). All of the skaters were able to make at least one jumping type as single, 80% of skaters as double, 15% as triple. A negative correlation (r=-0.507, p<0.05) between agility and reaction time and a positive correlation (r=0.472, p<0.05) between agility and triple jumping of skaters were found. No correlation was found between reaction time and triple jumping. Conclusion: This study brings up the issue of agility, reaction time, successful jumpings and successful turnings during these jumpings of ice skaters and shows that by agility training, triple turning performance can be enhanced.