Breast milk fortification: Effect on gastric emptying

YİĞİT Ş., Akgoz A., Memisoglu A., Akata D., Ziegler E. E.

JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-FETAL & NEONATAL MEDICINE, vol.21, no.11, pp.843-846, 2008 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Aim. To determine whether a widely used fortifier affects gastric emptying in very low birth weight infants and whether the amount of fortifier added to breast milk makes a difference with regard to gastric emptying. Methods. The study hypothesis was tested in a balanced crossover design. Gastric emptying was determined in the same infant on the same day with each of the three test feedings (unfortified breast milk, half-fortified breast milk, and fully fortified breast milk) in random order. The antral cross-sectional area (ACSA) was measured by B-mode ultrasonography (US) and the feeding was given. The ACSA was determined again immediately after feeding was completed, and was then determined at 10-min intervals until the pre-feeding value was reached. Results. The average half-emptying time was 4923min with breast milk, 5429min with half-fortified breast milk, and 6536min with fully fortified breast milk. The differences between feeding groups were not statistically significant. Conclusion. Fortification of breast milk does not play a clinically significant role in causing feeding intolerance in preterm babies when recommended concentrations of fortifier are used.