The results of fetal echocardiography in a tertiary center and comparison of low- and high-risk pregnancies for fetal congenital heart defects

ÖZKUTLU S., Akca T., Kafali G., Beksac S.

ANADOLU KARDIYOLOJI DERGISI-THE ANATOLIAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, vol.10, no.3, pp.263-269, 2010 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Objective: Fetal echocardiography (FE) is considered for fetal, maternal or hereditary reasons in pregnants with suspect of intrauterine heart disease (IUHD). However, in few studies it was reported that most of the fetuses with IUHD are in the low-risk group (suspicion of IUHD during 2(nd) trimester ultrasound, lack of good vision of the heart, self-referral). Our aim is to examine retrospectively the reasons for referral of pregnants, the results of FE, distribution of pregnants having fetuses with IUHD according to low- and high- risk factors and to evaluate reliability of FE.