In this study it is aimed to gel clues on whether people make visits to the pharmacy other than drug purchasing and drug related information, Besides we wanted to find out on which issues people counsel to the retail pharmacists; whether the pharmacists can be helpful on every issue that people counsel; when they can not be heplful to the customer/patient which was they follow. A of 231 retail pharmacists participated in the survey. A uniform questionnaire was distributed the pharmacists. Data were collected during March-April 2003 and evaluated by SPSS (ver. 10)(R). This study is a cross-sectional study, Of the 231 pharmacists 96,1% slated that people counsel on various issues other than drugs, Ailments in minor diseases, comments on laboratory tests, physician referral, diagnosing a disease, blood glucose level and hypertension measurement and having injections were the most frequently counselled issues. In most cases it can be concluded that pharmacists follow an ethical way by refering the patient/relative of the patient to the right health institution or professional when he cannot be helpful on the counselled issue,