EGITIM VE BILIM, cilt.48, sa.213, ss.255-277, 2023 (SSCI)
Building on the relevant national and international literature, we aimed at determining the mediating roles of teacher self-efficacy and cooperation on the relationship between teacher-perceived distributed leadership behaviours and practices of school principals and teacher job satisfaction. A mediated path analysis was conducted on the TALIS (The Teaching and Learning International Survey) 2018 dataset, including nationwide teacher perspectives. Results revealed that (1) distributed leadership is a strong predictor of teacher job satisfaction, (2) teacher self-efficacy and cooperation positively mediated the relationship between distributed leadership and job satisfaction, and (3) the conceptual model accounted for 45% of the total variance within teacher job satisfaction. This study concluded that teachers experience enhanced job satisfaction when availed with a platform to contribute and be responsible in school decision-making processes.