Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, vol.37, no.4, pp.468-485, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)
Background and Purpose: 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, an in-depth understanding of undergraduate nursing students, and experiences are needed. This study aims to explore and describe the experiences and challenges faced by undergraduate nursing students concerning sustainable production and consumption based on the theory of planned behavior. Methods: An inductive design was used for this qualitative study, which included open-ended, and in-depth interviews with 24 undergraduate nursing students. Throughout the study, the authors followed the COREQ checklist. Results: The audio was recorded and lasted 24–48 minutes (x̄ = 30.8 minutes). The audio recordings were subjected to repeated listening, followed by the creation of observation notes for each interview and transcription of all the interviews. It was determined that data saturation had been achieved after the final interview. The participants confirmed the findings by reviewing daily summaries at the conclusion of the interview data. To analyze the data, the thick description method was employed. The coded similarity rate of the data set was calculated. The similarity rate in this study was 91.0%. Five themes were identified: (a) “behavioral beliefs,” (b) “normative persons, organizations, and institutions,” (c) “motive,” (d) “facilitative,” and (e) “challenges.” Conclusions/Implications for Practice: The climate crises experienced during the formative years of undergraduate nursing students belonging to Generation Z, as well as the impact of pandemic diseases, have significantly influenced their views on sustainable production and consumption. In order to meet the needs of the socially conscious Generation Z, modern nursing education must incorporate advanced practices that reflect their values.