JOURNAL OF BALTIC SCIENCE EDUCATION, vol.8, no.3, pp.157-171, 2009 (SSCI)
The aim of the study is to develop a valid and reliable attitude scale in order to measure the chemistry student-Teachers' attitudes towards nano technology. During the development phase, a total of twenty-one items that included eleven negative and ten positive statements about nano technology were produced based on experts' views. These items were statistically analysed in terms of different aspects. The data obtained through these analyses were analyzed by using SPSS software. In the study, the scale was administered to 550 undergarduate students. The data obtained was analysed through factor analysis and reliability analysis. At the final stage, the scale was found to include four factors with sixteen items. After the factor analysis, according to Varimax Rotated (rotated Component Matrix) results, has been found to be four factors and Cronbach-Alpha internal integrity of the final version of the scale was found to be 0,859. The article also includes suggestions about how this scale can be employed.