41st FEBS Congress, Molecular and Systems Biology for a Better Life, İzmir, Turkey, 3 - 08 September 2016, pp.116
Zebrafish has become one of the most popular model organisms
of choice in the biomedical research area covering a broad range
of arrays since they were first used in the research in the late
1960s. Approximately 70% of human genes have at least one
zebrafish orthologue. High fecundity, ex-utero developing transparent
embryos, and easy laboratory maintenance makes the zebrafish
attractive and advantageous for biomedical research.
Newly emerging gene editing tools like transcription activatorlike
effector nucleases (TALENs) or clustered regularly interspaced
short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) provides capabilities
to efficiently achieve specific gene manipulation by inducing double-
stranded break at a specific site in the genome.
Hacettepe University is a major reference center for rare disorders
with high in-out patient capacity.We used these availability of
diversified patient phenotypes as an advantage and conducted a
TUBITAK project in order to establish a Zebrafish Research Laboratory
to investigate effects of new mutations on zebrafish. The
first step of the project is to model a desmin mutation related to
muscular dystrophy (LGMD2R, MIM 615325) using CRISPR/
Cas 9 and TALEN technologies and generate a mutant zebrafish
line to study the effects in a comprehensive perspective. However
desma and desmb known as duplicated genes in zebrafish. To reveal
the differentiated expression profile we performed In Situ
Hybridization experiments and created desma and desmb knockout
models to see if they replace for each other. In the long run, we
aim to investigate the role of different muscular dystrophy genes
identified by our group and mutations in different genetic diseases.
Furthermore we have planned to form a catalogue of mutant zebrafish
stocks consist of specific mutations that we hope to contribute
to future studies of drug, treatment and more.
Acknowledgement: It was supported by the Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey, 214S174 to P.D.