Cocuk Cerrahisi Dergisi, vol.25, pp.51-55, 2011 (Scopus)
© 2011 Logos Medical Publishing. All right reserved.Objective: A cross-sectional study was performed to evaluate the prevalence of enuresis nocturna (EN) among 6-10 year-old primary school children in Kırıkkale. Material and Method: Children (n:1500) aged between 6-10 years were included in the study. Questionnaires were answered by the parents to evaluate the demographic and voiding characteristics, time of toilet training, dysfunctional voiding (DV) symptoms, prevalence of EN, methods and results of EN treatment. DV score (DVS) validated for Turkish children were surveyed and scores greater than 8.5 were considered significant. Results: Children (n:1372) who completed the questionnaire were included in the study. The mean age of students was 8.27 years (M: F: 707:659). EN was noted in 11.4 % (n:157, group 1) of children. EN history was noted in 37.5 % (n:515, group 2) of children, and 51.1 % (n:700, group 3) of them had never EN. Toilet training was completed after 5 years of age in 5.2 % of the students with EN and 1.3 % of the children without EN (p<0.05). The mean DVS was 8.8 (1-28), 3 (1-16) and 2 (1-16) in Groups 1,2, and 3, respectively. DVSs greater than 8.5 were noted in 45.2 %, 4.5 % and 1.6 % in these 2 groups (p<0.05), respectively. In Group 2, 42.9 % EN cases were cured spontaneously whereas 57.1 % of them were cured with treatment. Supportive treatment was recommended for 80.2 % of the children, while 19.1 % of the children had medical treatment. Desmopressin (30 %), oxybutinin (26.6 %) and imipramine (20 %) were used in 3.82 % of the children. The 24.4 % of the parents found supportive treatment effective. Parents found medical and alarm treatment effective in 20 % and 16.6 % of the cases, respectively. Conclusion: The prevalence of enuresis was 11.4 % among 6-10 year-old primary school children in our province. DV symptoms were more frequent in children with EN. Nearly half of the children with EN had been never consulted to a physician. No standard mode of follow-up and treatment was noted for these children.