Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, no.4, pp.22-35, 2015 (Scopus)
This study aims to propose a teacher training model regarding the teacher training systems in United States
(The University of Virginia sample), Finland and Turkey based on the opinions of students enrolled in the
final year of Faculty of Education and Pedagogical Formation Education Programme. The study is descriptive
and adopts a qualitative research methodology and multiple-case holistic design. The participants are finalyear
undergraduate students of Education Faculty in Hacettepe University and students of Pedagogical
Formation Education Programme. In the research, open-ended question forms were used which were
developed by Ateş & Burgaz (2014) as a data collection tool. Descriptive data analysis was used for data
analysis. The findings show that students both in Education Faculty and Pedagogical Formation Education
Programme share similar opinions and suggestions regarding a new teacher training model.