How does visual praxis based occupational therapy program effect motor skills in children with hyperactivity and attention disorder? Single blind randomized study design

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Köse B., TEMİZKAN E., Kara kaya Ö., Kara K., ŞAHİN S.

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine (Turkey), vol.39, no.3, pp.803-808, 2022 (Scopus) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 39 Issue: 3
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Doi Number: 10.52142/omujecm.39.3.40
  • Journal Name: Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine (Turkey)
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus, Academic Search Premier, EMBASE
  • Page Numbers: pp.803-808
  • Keywords: Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, Motor Skills, occupational therapy, visual perceptions
  • Hacettepe University Affiliated: Yes


© 2022 Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi. All rights reserved.Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized with problems such as; atypical attention skills increased impulsive behaviors at least two of the child’s areas of daily living. In studies investigating developmental aspect of the said problems of children with ADHD, it was stated that the children usually do not demonstrate normal development regarding the motor proficiency and may fall behind their peers in exhibiting normal motor performance. These problems in motor skills are said to cause a hindered development in complex skills which may result in; distorted body image, increased anxiety and poor social communication skills. This study’s aim was to investigate effects of a Visual-Praxis-based Occupational Therapy program (VPOT) on motor proficiency of children with ADHD. The 58 children who were included to the study were assigned numbers from 1 to 58 and randomized into two groups (the intervention group and the control group). Both groups were subjected to the Bruninks-Oserestry Test of Motor Proficiency 2–Brief Form (BOT2-BF). After the initial assessment, the participants in the intervention group were admitted into the VPOT program for a duration of 8 weeks with twice-weekly sessions of 45 minutes. End of the program, BOT2-BF was applied once more. The participants mean age was 8.44±1.39 years. There were no differences between the intervention and the control group in terms of age. When the BOT2-BF results for the intervention group were analyzed, it was found that there were significant differences between pre- and post-intervention scores of all sub-scores and the total score. Due to approaching the motor development aspect of ADHD within the context of motor proficiency and visual perception, this study can be considered to be one of the innovative and pioneer studies in the field and is positively unique regarding the usage of the intervention approach that was used.