In this study a Romantic Relationship Assessment Inventory (RRAI) was developed in order to measure the perceived abuse in romantic relationships of the university students. In order to form an item pool, first of all literature on abuse and partner abuse were scanned, and then similar inventories that are being used in Turkey and world were examined, and a pre-study was conducted with university students concerning the abuse they are exposed to in romantic relationships and the abusive behaviors they witness and the frequency of these behaviors. For exploratory factor analysis scale applied to 426 students who were enrolled at various faculties in Hacettepe University during the 2011-2012 Academic Year Spring Semester. It was seen that there were 13 dimensions with an eigenvalue higher than 1, and that these dimensions explained 64,89% of the total variance. It was observed that the first dimension explained the total variance in 33,50% with an eigenvalue of 23,45. It was determined that the Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of the inventory is 0,97. For test re-test reliability of the RRAI, rank-order correlation was calculated as 0,89 (p<0,001). Rank-order correlation between the RRAI and Relationship Satisfaction Scale points was determined as -0,76 (p<0,001). A confirmatory factor analysis was applied for the answers given by the 411 students who participated in the research application. Although there was no modification in the model, results showed that as a whole the inventory assured structure validity to some extent. Looking at the validity and reliability values of RRAI, it can be claimed that the inventory is a valid and reliable tool.