Comparison of regional recurrence rates of radical and comprehensive neck dissection type 3 in N0 laryngeal cancer

YILMAZ T., Turan E., Hoşal A. Ş., Kaya S.

Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, vol.122, no.5, pp.736-738, 2000 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


To determine whether comprehensive neck dissection (CND) type 3 could accomplish regional tumor control as well as radical neck dissection (RND) in clinically N0 laryngeal cancer patients, we compared the regional recurrence rates of 316 N0 laryngeal cancer patients. In the 316 N0 patients, 486 neck dissections were performed. For 170 patients the dissection was bilateral, and for 146 patients it was unilateral. Of these, 193 were type 3 CNDs, and 293 were RNDs. In 30 (15.5%) of 193 type 3 CNDs and in 53 (18.1%) of 293 RNDs, metastatic lymph nodes were determined histopathologically in neck dissection specimens. The difference in cervical lymph node metastasis rates was not statistically significant (P < 0.05). During follow-up, 3 patients who underwent CND type 3 (1.6%) and 12 who underwent RND (4.1%) had regional recurrences. The difference between recurrence rates was not statistically significant (P < 0.05). A conclusion was reached that CND type 3 safely provided regional cancer control in N0 laryngeal cancer and that it might be performed to decrease the morbidity of RND. © 2000, Official journal of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. All rights reserved.