Association of plasma fibronectin level with left atrial electrical and structural remodelling in lone paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: a cross- sectional study

Canpolat U., Oto A., YORGUN H., Sunman H., Sahiner L., KAYA E. B., ...More

TURK KARDIYOLOJI DERNEGI ARSIVI-ARCHIVES OF THE TURKISH SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY, vol.43, no.3, pp.259-268, 2015 (ESCI) identifier identifier identifier


Objective: Atrial fibrosis is one of the main components of atrial fibrillation (AF) pathophysiology and culminates in structural, electrical and contractile remodelling. Fibronectin is one of the well-known mediators of fibrogenesis. However, the association of plasma fibronectin with atrial remodelling has not been studied previously. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the relationship between plasma fibronectin level and atrial electrical and structural remodelling in patients with lone paroxysmal AF.