Allergen exposure may exacerbate asthma symptoms in sensitized patients. Allergen reduction or avoidance measures have been widely utilized; however, there is ongoing controversy on the effectiveness of specific allergen control measures in the management of children with asthma. Often, allergen avoidance strategies are not recommended by guidelines because they can be complex or burdensome, although individual patients may benefit. Here we explore the potential for intervention against exposure to the major allergens implicated in asthma (ie, house dust mites, indoor molds, rodents, cockroaches, furry pets, and outdoor molds and pollens), and subsequent effects on asthma symptoms. We critically assess the available evidence regarding the clinical benefits of specific environmental control measures for each allergen. Finally, we underscore the need for standardized and multifaceted approaches in research and real-life settings, which would result in the identification of more personalized and beneficial prevention strategies.