Type 3B Malrotation Presented with Acute Appendicitis as Left Renal Colic

Ozkan F., Yurttutan N., Inci M. F., AKPINAR E.

NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, vol.4, no.7, pp.328-330, 2012 (ESCI) identifier identifier


Midgut malrotation is a rare anatomic anomaly that complicates the diagnosis and managemant of acute abdominal pain. It is a congenital anomaly that arises from incomplete rotation or abnormal position of the midgut during embryonic development. We report a case of a patient who have very rare form (Nonrotation of the proximal loop associated with partial rotation of the distal loop) of malrotation with ruptured appendicitis. Left-sided acute appendicitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with pain with localized in the left lower quadrant.