2nd International Conference on Contemporary Academic Research, Konya, Türkiye, 4 - 05 Kasım 2023, ss.117
The closure of the Neo-Tethyan suture zone during the Cretaceous to Eocene period caused the formation of several sedimentary basins in northern central Anatolia, and the Çankırı-Çorum Basin is the most important one since its basinal infilling hosts mineable coal seams within Eocene to Miocene sequences. The coal properties of the Middle Miocene coal Seam II in the Çomu-Yanoğlan coalfield within the Merzifon fault zone have not been investigated to date. For this purpose, a total of six coal samples and one carbonaceous shale sample were obtained from a working coal seam. The values of random huminite reflectance measurements (%Rr) on polished blocs are around 0.41±0.01%. The %Rr values, along with ash yields (avg. 16.4%, on dry basis) and gross calorific values (avg. 11174 Btu/lb, on moist, mineral-matter-free basis), suggest that coal samples are of medium- to high-grade, sub-bituminous A coal. The petrographic observation shows that huminite is the predominant maceral group, while liptinite and inertinite have lower proportions. Telohuminite and detrohuminite sub-group macerals and corpohuminite are the most common huminite macerals in the coal samples. Sporinite and liptodetrinite are the most common liptinite macerals in coal samples, while alginite shows a higher proportion in the carbonaceous shale sample. The maceral compositions and coal facies indices indicate that the precursor peats were accumulated under limno-telmatic conditions, where the peat surface was constantly covered by mire water, and mixed herbaceous and woody peat-forming vegetation was common in the palaeomires. Such conditions could be related to relatively humid climatic conditions in north-central Anatolia during the Middle Miocene; hence, tissue preservations were high in the palaeomire, and increased lake level caused ceasing peat accumulation in the study area.