Healthcare Team in Ward Round: Roles and Responsibilities from the Perspective of Pediatric Surgical Residency Teachers

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Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, cilt.76, sa.1, ss.56-65, 2023 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the roles and responsibilities of healthcare team members in ward rounds from the view of pediatric surgery teachers. Materials and Methods: A qualitative design was used with semi-structured interviews were conducted with six pediatric surgery teachers. Results: The consultant physician on ward rounds has a critical role and responsibilities. Concerning the duties of residents/senior residents and other surgeons, the importance of complying with hierarchical communication, patient management, and preparation before and during ward rounds were stressed. The roles and responsibilities of the supervisor nurse were defined as specifying medical information and observations during ward rounds and ensuring the flow of information among team members. The teachers described the nurses’ roles as passive-listening, completing the resident deficiencies and fulfilling the doctor’s instructions. Effective communication, teamwork and continuing professional development are among the important roles of the healthcare team. Conclusion: The roles and responsibilities of residents differed by their experiences and competencies. It was determined that nurses are not expected to actively participate in the decision-making process regarding patient care and have a passive role as an observer. It should be noted that it is expected of doctors in the ward round team to maintain “hierarchical communication”.