This study was carried out by using qualitative research methods in order to determine the issues physics teachers encounter when teaching the physics syllabus to 9th grades and to determine their opinions on the new syllabus that will be carried out within the 2013-2014 academic year. The research was carried out with 18 teachers who teach physics to 9th grades at 8 different Anatolian high schools in Ankara's Altindag district. In this study, semi-structured interview from was carried out by researchers. In addition, the open-ended questions of interview were answered by three physic experts and it takes final form. The data collected from the interviews carried out with the teachers have been analyzed by using a descriptive analysis technique. According to the results of the research, the teachers have stated that they have problems especially when teaching unit such as "Force and Motion" that take place in the 9th grade physics because of teaching syllabus, students' weaknesses on their mathematical capability and not having enough time to teach the subjects. They have also stated that the present syllabus not being volute and the 9th grade physics course books not having headlines for the subjects affect the students negatively in relation to making sense of the subjects. The teachers have stated that they think the new physics teaching syllabus will be much better and before the application process it would be best to have a long term in-service training.