Intensive Care Unit Services Preparedness for the Pandemic: An Efficiency Analysis

Çınaroğlu S.

Health Services Insights, vol.1, no.1, pp.1-22, 2021 (Scopus)


Intensive care unit (ICU)  services efficiency and the  shortage of critical care  professionals has been a challenge  during pandemic. Thus, preparing ICUs is a prominent part of any pandemic response. The objective of this study is to examine the efficiencies of ICU services in Turkey  right  before  the  pandemic.  Data  were  gathered  from  the  Public  Hospital  Statistical  Year  Book  for  the  year  2017.  Analysis  are  presented at hospital level by comparing teaching and non-teaching hospitals. Bootstrapped data envelopment analysis procedure was used to gather more precise efficiency scores. Three analysis levels are incorporated into the study such as, all public hospitals (N = 100), teaching (N = 53), non-teaching hospitals (N = 47), and provinces that are providing high density of ICU services through the country (N = 54). Study results reveal that  average efficiency  scores  of ICU  services  obtained  from  teaching  hospitals  (eff = 0.65)  is higher  than  non-teaching  (eff = 0.54)  hospitals. After applying the bootstrapping techniques, efficiency scores are significantly improved and the difference between before and after bootstrapping  results are statistically  significant  (P< .05). Province based analysis  indicates  that, ICU  services efficiencies  are high  for provinces  located in southeast part of the country and highly populated places, such as İstanbul. Evidence-based operational design that considers the spatial distribution of health resources and effective planning of critical care professionals are critical for efficient management of intensive care. Study results will be helpful for health policy makers to deeply understand dynamics of critical care.