Hypersensitivity Reactions to Beta-lactam Antibiotics

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Goncuoglu C., KARA E., Demirkan K., KALYONCU A. F., ÜNAL S.

FLORA INFEKSIYON HASTALIKLARI VE KLINIK MIKROBIYOLOJI DERGISI, vol.26, no.1, pp.23-33, 2021 (ESCI) identifier identifier


The incidence of hypersensitivity reaction with the use of beta-lactam antibiotics ranges from 5-18%. The prescribing tendency of other antibiotic groups in patients with beta-lactam hypersensitivity causes an increase in the incidence of resistant microorganism, health care costs and adverse effects from other prescribed drug groups. Due to the history of unverified hypersensitivity of the patient, the use of penicillin and cephalosporins was avoided, the incidence of resistant infections and antibiotic resistance increased. According to a few studies conducted, the route of administration of beta-lactam antibiotics does not cause a significant difference in terms of the risk of developing hypersensitivity reaction. However, hypersensitivity reactions and anaphylaxis have been reported rarely in oral administra- tion compared to parenteral administration.