5th National Congress of Environmental Engineering, Lublin, Poland, 29 May - 01 June 2016, pp.65-69
Among the nutrients in fruit and vegetables, vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is being given attention due to the health benefits it provides consumers. Unfortunately, pasteurization processes aimed at protection of food from rotting, often result in the reduction of the concentration of the vitamin. In the present study, the DBD (Dielectric Barrier Discharge) non-equilibrium plasma jet source has been applied for checking the applicability of the plasma sterilization method without causing appreciable changes on vitamin C in food. The measurements were performed for the main factors that may affect the amount of generated active particles: time of treatment, composition of working gas, the flow rate value and the distance from the end of discharge. The obtained results allow to conclude that DBD plasma application causes negligible changes in temperature and concentration of vitamin, and can be used in food application