MILLI FOLKLOR, sa.110, ss.17-29, 2016 (AHCI)
Folk economics, one of the branches on which the folkloristics study, is the knowledge, skills and qualifications that folk created and developed in order to meet its needs and to maintain its social and physical wellbeing. It is imperative that three phases should function well in folk economics as is the case for all kinds of economics. These phases are the production, exchange and distribution of sources. At the shortest notice, reciprocity is an exchange which is based on the principal of the time of needs and amount between individuals who are socially equivalent through kinship, marriage or other close individual relations. Exchange which continues to exist as an economic institution can be seen in local communities where money is not widely used for buying and selling. Exchange is an economic institution based on the principle of reciprocity. The communities where exchange occurs as an economic institution basically have closed economy systems. In this system, the producer produces more than he needs. He uses the amount he needs and keeps the remaining for his other needs that he does not produce. In this study, a kind of cooperation "oruden tutma kardaslik" which is still seen in the villages of the district of Catalzeytin of the province Kastamonu and which is based on the principles of reciprocity and equivalence as an economic institution will be discussed. "Oruden tutma kardaslik" is basically an economic partnership based on a verbal agreement between two women who have not got a blood relation. As a result of this verbal partnership, two women are, as "Oruden tutma kardas", economically united after a verbal agreement and from the day of this agreement, they make up for their needs for their whole lives. Excange is not based on the amount or time period. The amount of the thing that needed and the time when this need should be met are accepted as equivalence. In our study, we will discuss this economic partnership and analyze the implementation of this partnership and the cultural continuance of this example of folk economy based on the principle of meeting the needs in long term and in context of exchange economics and the theories of folk economics.