In the present study, adopting of citizen science approach for monitoring water quality of a lake (Uzungol, Turkey) was investigated. The study consisted of selection of sampling points and water quality parameters, training of volunteers, sampling and analysis by volunteers, and development of a mobile application for data collection and storage. In the scope of the study, four measurement points around the lake were selected and elementary school students were trained both theoretically and practically to collect water quality data. During the project (June-December, 2018), volunteers collected water samples and measured temperature, pH, nitrate, and phosphate with the given test kits. The mobile application was developed using open source code and used to collect and store the volunteer data. According to the volunteer data, temperature values were between 8.5 and 15.5 degrees C, pH values were between 2 and 8.5, nitrate values were between 0.5 and 2.5 mg/L, and phosphate values were between 0.5 and 5 mg/L in the lake. Most of the pH and temperature results were compatible with field measurements done by research group during field visits. The motivation of the volunteers and mobile application development were the achievements of the project. Low number of the data and its reliability were the main limitations. Therefore, this study showed that citizen science has both capabilities and constraints for collection of water quality data, however; outstanding potential of citizen science is obvious.