JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES, vol.42, no.8, pp.1852-1879, 2021 (SSCI)
The purpose of this article is twofold. First, it aims to investigate the mediating role offamily-work conflict(FWC) on the relationship between the dimensions of perfectionism (adaptive vs. maladaptive) andwell-being, and second, it aims to explore whether gender moderates this mediated relationship. Data are gathered from 238 dual working and married employees working in different sectors. The moderated mediation analyses are conducted using PROCESS macro developed by Hayes and Preacher (2013). The findings reveal that FWC plays a critical mediating role in transmitting the effects ofmaladaptive perfectionismto well-being. Regarding it the moderated relationship, we find that the positive relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and FWC is stronger for men than it is for women. However, the effect ofadaptive perfectionismon FWC is found to be stronger for women compared to that for men. We discuss these findings in relation to gender roles and FWC policies and research.