2nd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN), Barcelona, İspanya, 5 - 07 Temmuz 2010
The objectives of this research are to put out the similarities and differences among the mathematics curricula of Turkey, Belgium (Flemish), and Singapore for the 7th and 8th grade. In this research, survey method has been used. The information about the curricula and education systems about countries has been gathered from articles, the official authorities, via the internet sites of the official authorities, and by the review of literature. The information about learning situations and student attitudes were developed from the TIMSS 1999 International Mathematics Report. Turkey and Singapore published the mathematics objectives according to topics and with some useful remarks for teachers. In Belgium, mathematics curriculum published as a "core curriculum" which is intentionally formulated in a rather general way. To make these core curriculum objectives more concrete, educational bodies and teachers themselves have to elaborate them via what they call "leerplannen". Belgium is the only country where decisions about promotion from one grade to the next, certification, and qualification for entrance to university were made at the school level without reliance on system-wide public examinations. Turkey and Singapore held system-wide public examinations for selection, placement and system assessment. As a result of the study, it was found that there are similarities between the Turkish and Singaporean mathematics curricula seemingly. Flemish mathematics curricula has constructed to provide much freedom and give rather more responsibility for teachers and schools in teaching activities. The Turkish mathematics curriculum was found rather intensive and detailed among the other countries.