The study investigated the effect of grief cognitions on grief and meaning reconstruction levels and explored how sociodemographic factors and loss-related variables relate to these outcomes, using a sample of 155 older bereaved spouses in T & uuml;rkiye. The sample for the study, which used a relational screening model, consisted of 155 participants aged 60 and over from & Ccedil;ankaya district of Ankara. Data were collected using the socio-demographic information form, the grief cognition questionnaire, and the grief and meaning reconstruction inventory. Spearman correlation analyses were conducted to evaluate the correlations between variables, and multiple and hierarchical regression analyses were performed to ascertain the predictors of the scales. The analysis revealed a negative correlation between grief cognitions and grief and meaning reconstruction levels. Expectedness of death and the time elapsed since the spouse's death were predictors of both grief cognitions and levels of grief and meaning reconstruction.