EGITIM VE BILIM-EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, vol.37, no.163, pp.67-80, 2012 (SSCI)
The aim of the study is to examine the texts used in local foreign language coursebooks in terms of their selection and distribution and to determine the relation between the methods taken as base in text and book writing. The analyzed books for Turks are the local German coursebooks titled Almanca, Almanca Ders Kitabi, Wir lernen Deutsch, Texte und Situationen, Lern mit uns and Hallo, Kinder! In order to finf the relation between text and method, the texts identified through scanning the books are classified into authentic and fictitious text types, and in each course book the distribution in authentic texts is specified as literary and everyday texts, and in fictitious texts it is specified as dialogue, didactic and everyday texts. According to the findings of the study, it is seen that texts in some coursebooks are insufficient in achieving the instructional aims of the method they are based on and that the fictitious texts are used more frequently than authentic texts.