Development of a Two-Tier Diagnostic Test to Determine Students' Understanding of Concepts in Genetics

Kilic D., SAĞLAM N.

EGITIM ARASTIRMALARI-EURASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, vol.9, no.36, pp.227-244, 2009 (SSCI) identifier identifier


Problem Statement: The effectiveness of science instruction, which aims to assure students' complete and accurate understanding of science concepts, can only be effectively evaluated when it is measured using the appropriate measurement tools. Concept maps, multiple-choice tests, and interviews - all of which are employed in determining students' understanding of science concepts - have been shown to be successful methods. However, each has its own limitations. In determining students' understanding of concepts, the use of two-tier tests - which evaluate students' understanding more effectively and which are easy to score and apply - is recommended.