Pathology teach and tell: Central nervous system atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor

Avci Z., Kaya I., Dogukan A., Aydin O., Ismailoglu O.

PEDIATRIC PATHOLOGY & MOLECULAR MEDICINE, vol.22, no.5, pp.443-447, 2003 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) is extremely malignant, highly aggressive primitive central nervous systemneoplasm of infancy with very poor prognosis. Histologically, AT/RT is defined as a polymorphous neoplasm often featuring rhabdoid, PNET, mesenchymal, and epithelial components. We report the clinical history, radioligical, and pathological findings in a child affected bycentral nervous system AT/RT.