Sosyal Ağ Etkileşiminin Örgütsel Zeka Düzeyine Etkisi

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Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-Hacettepe University Journal Of Education, vol.35, pp.354-374, 2020 (ESCI) identifier identifier


This study was carried out to determine the social network structure of organizational intelligence and operational sub-dimensions and to determine how the social network structure differs according to organizational intelligence and sub-dimensions. For this purpose, a primary school in Altindag district of Ankara province was selected as study group. The applications related to organizational intelligence and operational sub-dimensions was carried out with three managers and 29 teachers and the all school members (n=48) were included to analysis related to social network structure in 2014-2015 academic year. "Multidimensional Organizational Intelligence Scale" was used in order to determine the organizational intelligence and operational sub-dimensions of primary school and "Social Network" data collection form was used to determine the characteristics of the network mechanism and the relationships of the actors in the network mechanism. In the analysis of data, social network analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test and variance analysis were used. According to the result of the study, teachers' and administrators' perceptions of the school's intelligence are generally very high and they have high level organizational intelligence. This situation is also similar in the seven sub-dimensions of organizational intelligence. In terms of the proximity in the network location and number of nodes, participants demonstrated an intense interaction level. Any members who are out of the network and have no interaction are not observed. Primary school teachers' opinions are more positive than administrators' and other teachers' opinions both in terms of the subdimensions of organizational intelligence and overall organizational intelligence.