EGITIM VE BILIM-EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, vol.32, no.143, pp.117-128, 2007 (SSCI)
In Turkish National Education System the literacy education was changed in about the year 2004 and since then "The Method of Sound Based Sentence" has begun to be used as the new method. In this respect in the preschool education curriculum updated in 2006, the purposes of the literacy activities as well as the studies that can be done within the scope of preparation to primary school education were re-emphasized in an elaborative manner. Various kinds of implications and models are needed in fostering literacy skills, the bases of which are built in early childhood. In this article, it is aimed to expound the "Play Planning Model" developed with the foundation of Vvgotsky's cognitive development theory with a socio-cultural approach, its theoretical dimension and contributions on the child's development with some examples of practice.