In this study,a new approach of optimization algorithm is developed. The optimum distribution of elastic springs on which a cantilever Timoshenko beam is seated and minimization of the shear force on the support of the beam is investigated.The Fourier transform is applied to the beam vibration equation in the time domain and transfer function, independent from the external influence, is used to define the structural response. For all translational modes of the beam, the optimum locations and amounts of the springs are investigated so that the transfer function amplitude of the support shear force is minimized. The stiffness coefficients of the springs placed on the nodes of the beam divided into finite elements are considered as design variables. There is an active constraint on the sum of the spring coefficients taken as design variables and passive constraints on each of them as the upper and lower bounds. Optimality criteria are derived using the Lagrange Multipliers method. The gradient information required for solving the optimization problem is analytically derived. Verification of the new approach optimization algorithm was carried out by comparing the results presented in this paper with those ones from analysis of the model of the beam without springs, with springs with uniform stiffness and with optimal distribution of springs which support a cantilever beam to minimize the tip deflection of the beam found in the literature. The numerical results show that the presented method is effective in finding the optimum spring stiffness coefficients and location of springs for all translational modes.The proposed method can give designers an idea of how to support the cantilever beams under different harmonic vibrations.