JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI, vol.12, no.4, 2018 (SCI-Expanded)
Ground motion characteristics, deformation and surface breaks of earthquakes depend upon the causative faults. Their effects on the seismic design of engineering structures are almost not considered in the present codes of design although there are attempts to include in some countries (i.e. USA, Japan, Taiwan, and Turkey). In this study, the authors first describe ground motions, crustal deformation and surface break observations caused by earthquakes having different faulting mechanism. Then some laboratory experiments were carried out to simulate the motions during normal and thrust faulting and their effects on model structures. And then, the effects of surface ruptures and deformations due to earthquake faulting on the response and stability engineering structures through observations in recent great earthquakes are presented. Finally, some recommendations for the design of structures with the consideration of permanent ground deformation in addition to ground shaking, which may be used in the development of seismic codes incorporating the effect of permanent deformation on structures, are proposed.