IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Eskişehir, Turkey, 11 - 13 June 2007, pp.552-553
The success of infrared surveillance systems is proportional to distinguishing the radiance of the target and the background In this study, a simulation program, namely, DAMA (InfrareD SeA Modeling and Analysis) software is developed to calculate the total radiance and its components seen by an observer looking towards the sea surface. Total radiance is composed of thermal sea radiance, reflected source (sun or moon) radiance, reflected sky radiance and path radiance seen by the observer. The sea surface models are directly effective on the calculation of reflected radiances. DAMA program includes Cox and Munk, Mermelstem and Shaw-Churnside models and models for six different saltiness levels. The inputs of the software are classified as observer, time, wavelength, medium, model selection and output file parameters. The software developed by modules gives the total radiance and its components as output. The program has been run for approximately 10,000 times to obtain the effects of input parameters on total radiance and its components and the outputs are examined DAMA is validated by SEARAD software and measurement results. By this way, for the first time in open literature, a simulation program including all sea surface and saltiness models is developed and the behavior of the total radiance and its components are examined with respect to the variation of all input parameters.