46th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, VİYENA, Austria, 07 June 2023, vol.22, pp.199
We present quenched lattice QCD results for the contribution of higher-twist operators to the lowest non-trivial moment of the pion structure function. To be specific, we consider the combination $F_2^{\pi^+} + F_2^{\pi^-} - 2 F_2^{\pi^0}$ which has $I = 2$ and receives contributions from 4-Fermi operators only. We introduce the basis of lattice operators. The renormalization of the operators is done perturbatively in the $\bar{\rm{MS}}$ scheme using the 't Hooft-Veltman prescription for $\gamma_5$, taking particular care of mixing effects. The contribution is found to be of $O(f_\pi^2/Q^2)$, relative to the leading contribution to the moment of $F_2^{\pi^+}$.