GOAL: Supporting Learner's Development of Self-Direction Skills using Health and Learning Data

Majumdar R., Yang Y. Y., Li H., Akcapinar G., Flanagan B., Ogata H.

26th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION, Metro Manila, Philippines, 26 - 30 November 2018, pp.406-415 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Metro Manila
  • Country: Philippines
  • Page Numbers: pp.406-415
  • Hacettepe University Affiliated: Yes


For the 21st century learner, self-direction skill is crucial for developing both intellectual abilities and maintaining one's healthy lifestyle. While there are technology supports for specific self-regulated learning tasks and health monitoring, research is limited on how to support development of the meta-skill of Self-Direction itself. Our work bridges Learning Analytics (LA) and Quantified-Self (QS) research to enable technology support for self-directed activities of learners. We propose DAPER (Data-Analyze-Plan-Execution monitoring-Reflect), a data-driven Self-Direction skill execution and acquisition model. To support synchronize-visualize-analyze multisource data regarding learners' learning and physical activities, we are developing the GOAL (Goal Oriented Active Learner) system. In this paper we present our DAPER model, the initial implementation of the GOAL system based on that model and pilot study regarding the need and context analysis of this research.