In this study, it is aimed at determining the effects of communication skills levels of health professionals on Self-Disclosure and Feedback levels and whether the sociodemographic characteristics of individuals change according to their communication skills. In this context, the study conducted on 463 sampled, the level of communication skills of physicians, nurses and administrators differ according to various variables. According to the results obtained, the communication skills of the individuals participating in the research communication skills differed according to age, gender, educational status, professional status, administrator status and working time. When the level of communication skills of individuals is examined on the level of Self-Disclosure and Feedback levels, Self-Disclosure was found to be affected by the dimensions of the communication skills Social Behaviour Competence (SBC), Harmony Competence (HC), Human Relations (HR), Feedback was found to be affected by the dimensions of the communication skills Social Behaviour (SBC), Individual Aspect in Communication (IAC), Sensitivity Competence (SC), Encouragement to Communicate Competence (ECC) and Human Relationship (HR).