Assessing the Impact of RPL Attacks in Challenging Environments: An Evolution-assisted Study

Ceviz O., YILMAZ S.



The integration of IoT-enabled smart technologies into our daily lives offers numerous benefits in many ways. This, however, requires well-founded security concerns because the protocols designed for IoT networks exhibit numerous vulnerabilities today. One such protocol is the IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power Lossy Networks (RPL) which is frequently used in IoT networks to enable routing between the heterogeneous devices. RPL has exhibited significant shortcomings and has become a target for various attacks up to now. Evaluating the performance of RPL attacks is a non-trivial task for securing IoT network effectively. Although performance analysis studies are numerous in literature, all of them rely on 'human - crafted' attack environments. In contrast, this study considers the most challenging malicious environments for performance evaluation. To achieve such environments, the use of genetic algorithm is explored in this study. The findings reveal that the impact of the attack is greatly influenced by the position as well as the density of the attackers in the network.